Tuesday, December 2, 2014


Below are some other facts about perfumes that you may or may not have known:

--> The word perfume is of Latin descent, and comes from the phrase per fumum, which means “through smoke”.

--> Perfumes are a mixture of water, alcohol, and scents. The alcohol is a necessary ingredient, because without it, the scent would not emanate from the skin.

--> Perfumes can be sorted into seven major categories: Greens, Florals, Aldehydics, Chypre, Oriental, Fougère, and Tobacco/Leather.

--> Perfumes can be graded according to strength. From strongest to weakest: Perfume, Eau De Parfum, Eau De Toilette and Eau De Cologne, Aftershave. The more perfume oils that a solution contains, the stronger it will be and the longer it will last.

--> An individual’s body chemistry determines what a perfume will smell like once it is applied to the skin. The same perfume can smell different depending on who is using it.

--> You should never test more than three different perfumes at once. If you do, the smells will become so complex, that it will be impossible for your nose to properly evaluate each scent.

--> Because perfume evaporates from the skin quickly, it may be necessary to reapply your scent every four hours.

--> To lengthen and strengthen the smell of your perfume, apply perfume, and then add a layer of lotion with no scent or a complimentary scent over top.

--> Perfume that is applied to places like the wrist, the neck, behind the ears, and crooks of arms will smell the strongest.

--> Perfume should be stored in a cool, dry place. If possible, keep open perfume stored within a box to lengthen the shelf life.

--> Most perfume manufacturers recommend disposing of perfume after one year, but perfume may last as long as two to five years when stored under the right conditions.

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